
Trial Dates Set for Camp Lejeune Claims

On September 26, 2023 Judge Boyle who is overseeing the coordination of the trials for Camp Lejeune claims issued Case Management Order 2 (CMO 2). In it he set the following important dates. We believe these dates are very fair and will move the claims as quickly as possible while also allowing time for the necessary work.


Elective Option Program

On September 6, 2023, the Navy announced what it is calling its Elective Option program in an effort to cheaply resolve only a few of the worst Camp Lejeune related diseases. This program is grossly unfair for many reasons. It is simply the first step by the Government to propose minimal settlement offers for a small category of very serious Camp Lejeune claims. The few diseases picked by the Government for the program have overwhelming evidence directly linking them to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune. We believe the Government would lose badly at trial on any of these claims it had to try in court, and thus they are trying to quickly, and cheaply, get out of these claims.