How Will My Claim Work?

Administrative Hearing

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act mandates that each Camp Lejeune claim go through an ‘administrative’ process before the claim can be filed in court:

(g) DISPOSITION BY FEDERAL AGENCY REQUIRED.—An individual may not bring an action under this section before complying with section 2675 of title 28, United States Code.

For Camp Lejeune claims the administrative body that considers all claims before filing in court is the Department of Navy.  While the Navy originally claimed it would be able to process all claims within six months of them being filed, and make appropriate awards for each claim, this has proven to be untrue.

How quickly will the Administrative process occur?

If the Navy does not make a ruling on your claim within six months, then you may elect to pursue your claim directly in Federal Court.  However, depending upon your claim, there may be reasons to allow the Navy additional time to make a ruling (and ultimately an offer in your claim).  We discuss these reasons with each client as their claim progresses.

Is there a time limit to file my claim?

Yes.  The Act has language which requires that all claims must be filed as an administrative claim by August 9th, 2024.  However, we strongly recommend you file your claim as soon as possible for several reasons.

First, if your claim involves the death of a loved one, it is likely that ‘probate’ will need to occur before you can file your administrative claim.  Probate varies state to state but generally can take several months to accomplish.  Also, before filing any claim it is necessary to obtain various information relating to the claim.  Some of our clients have required a week or more to obtain this claim information before we were able to file their claim.  Finally, the Act is legislation and although very unlikely, the Act is always subject to change.  There is no reason to wait and several reasons to act as soon as possible.

How much compensation will each disease receive?

 It is unknown at this time if each person will generally receive a set award based on their disease, or if each person may be awarded compensation based on the individual facts of that claim, or if a combination of both methods may be used. Trust us, we will fight hard for a fair award. Most of the diseases caused by the water at Camp Lejeune are very serious, life altering diseases. They deserve compensation accordingly.  The Navy did announce its ‘Elective Opportunity’ Program in August of 2023 which provided payments for certain diseases.  You can read about the EO Program here.

How much compensation will each disease receive?

It is unknown at this time if each person will generally receive a set award based on their disease, or if each person may be awarded compensation based on the individual facts of that claim, or if a combination of both methods may be used. Trust us, we will fight hard for a fair award. Most of the diseases caused by the water at Camp Lejeune are very serious, life altering diseases. They deserve compensation accordingly.  The Navy did announce its ‘Elective Opportunity’ Program in August of 2023 which provided payments for certain diseases.  You can read about the EO Program here.

"After the initial visit that I had with The Young Firm, I felt better - I felt more at ease. In the beginning, I did fear about certain companies not wanting to hire me because of my back injury. But I felt the faith and I just believed that one day I would be back out there doing what I love to do. And here I am - I’m back almost a year now."

— Joshua J., former The Young Firm client

Important Reminders:

Our job is to work as hard as we can to qualify your disease or illness and get you the highest compensation possible for what you have been through and may continue to go through each day.

Your job is to help us with three extremely important things so we can best handle your claim:

1. Send us all medical proof of your disease or illness immediately.

The Government generally moves slowly. However, in the Act it is stated that if the Administrative agency does not make a ruling on your claim within six months, then you may elect to pursue your claim directly in Court. It is extremely important we start now to build your file. We need to have proof of the disease you have suffered as well as when it was diagnosed. We have a secure upload link we can send you for uploading your records to us. If you cannot get your records, we will do so for you.

2. Send us all proof of your time at Camp Lejeune.

Your DD-214 may indicate such. If you have your 214 or other official document indicating your time at Camp Lejeune please send it to us immediately. If you do not have your DD-214, we can get a copy for you.

3. Keep up to date contact information with us!

We must always have a means to contact you. Please make sure your phone number, email, and mailing address are all accurate. If they change, let us know! Also, make sure we have an emergency or alternate contact for you in case we cannot reach you. We will not discuss your claim with them, but simply advise them that we need to speak to you.

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